Do you Need a Domain but Want to Remain Anonymous?
It’s a well-known fact that domain pricing can be arbitrary at times so when a big brand approaches a domain owner it’s not unheard of for the price to become higher. Think about it, if a domain owner knows your company is worth $200 million then why shouldn’t he add an extra $10,000 or $20,000 to the price – after all, the seller is in business to make a profit also.
Why Choose Domain Holdings?
Most high-dollar transactions involve a broker. Whether that is a real estate broker, a yacht broker, or a business broker, the point is to engage an industry professional to negotiate the best acquisition terms, and take all emotion out of the deal.
At Domain Holdings we pride ourselves on confidentiality and assist many of the world’s biggest companies with domain acquisitions every month. Why do people choose Domain Holdings?
Our Reputation
We have a stellar reputation and our founders have proven success online. John Ferber, our chairman, co-founded (which he later sold for $497 Million to AOL) and has invested countless hours building a team of trusted professionals. Our primary interest is building long-term relationships with our clients.
Our Knowledge
This industry is young but our collective experience is vast. With over 100 combined years of experience buying and selling domains the staff of Domain Holdings collectively has more knowledge than most of our competitors. We understand how to find domains, often know who owns them and can usually find a price point that makes everyone happy.
Our People
The core element behind every great company is the people, and we are proud of our staff. You will be hard pressed to find a team of people who work as hard, are as dedicated to serving your needs, and are available at weird hours. Some of them even have a good sense of humor and others dress quite amusingly.
Our Understanding of Domains
We promise never to send you poor quality domains. Part of our filtering process is focused on the domain name itself. There are millions of domains for sale and we only represent premium domains so you will never spend time looking at triple hyphenated domains that only a drunk squirrel would register on a late Friday night. We are often judged solely based on the quality of the name – and we understand that. With better names comes a better experience for everyone.
Our Fees
Our commission is well in line with industry standard and there is NEVER an upfront fee. We will work with you and only bill you when a successful transaction occurs.
Contact Us Now to learn how we can work together!